By emphasizing proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you become acutely in tune with your body. You actually learn how to control its movement.
In Pilates the quality of movement is valued over quantity of repetitions. Proper breathing is essential, and helps you execute movements with maximum power and efficiency. Last but not least, learning to breathe properly can reduce stress.
Much of Pilates exercise requires you to look within, focus on your breathing, and feel the subtle differences within your body. Many people come to a very meditative state while doing Pilates, and therefore will grow mentally and spiritually over time through this type of exercise. By strengthening the postural muscles people have learned to maintain good posture thereby appearing taller.
In some respects Pilates is like Yoga. Both are considered mind-body type methods of movement; both emphasize deep breathing and smooth, long movements that encourage the mind-body connection. The difference is that while Yoga requires moving from one static posture to the next, Pilates flows through a series of movements that are more dynamic, systematic and anatomically-based incorporating resistance equipment. The goal with STOTT PILATES exercise is to strengthen the postural muscles while achieving optimal functional fitness.
Benefits of Pilates
The benefits may include but not limited to:
- Increased strength without unwanted bulk
- Increased core strength, stability and peripheral mobility
- Improved fitness levels which may help prevent injury
- Greater ease of movement through a full range
- Heighted body awareness and mindfulness of movement
- Decreased impact on the joints
- Added variety as a compliment to other forms of exercise
- Improved performance of specific sport skills (golf, skiing, hockey, etc.)
- Enhanced balance, coordination and circulation
- Pilates is three dimensional
- Spring resistance more closely resembles muscular contraction
- Emphasis on concentric/eccentric contraction for injury prevention
- Pilates exercise is customizable for special needs
- In Pilates exercise, emphasis is placed on rebalancing muscles around the joints
- Pilates corrects over-training and muscle imbalance that leads to injury
- Pilates emphasizes balancing strength with flexibility (for injury prevention and efficient movement)
- Pilates exercise leads to an improvement in posture and body awareness
- Weight training and Pilates can be combined in your fitness program and are a great compliment to each other.
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